In C#, the “foreach” loop is used to iterate over elements in a collection. The Collection types such as Array, ArrayList, List, Hashtable, Dictionary, etc. It executes for each element present in the Array. In this article, we will learn C# foreach loop | When to Use it, and How it Works.
Syntax of ‘foreach’ loop
foreach(var items in collection) { // set of statements }
Here’s a Flowchart showing the working of the C sharp foreach loop.

A few key points while working on foreach loop
- It is necessary to enclose all the statements of the foreach loop in curly braces {}.
- The Foreach loop uses the loop variable rather than using an indexed element to perform the iteration.
- In C# foreach loop, instead of declaring and initializing a loop counter variable only requires the declaration of a variable with the same data type as the base type of the collection
Here the following example demonstrates, the iteration of an array using a foreach loop
string[] departments = { "Computer Science", "Mechanical", "Electronics", "Civil", "Electrical" }; foreach(var items in departments) { Console.WriteLine(items.ToString()); }
Computer Science
another example demonstrates, ‘foreach‘ loop on a List Collection.
List<string> listforeach = new List<string>() { "Computer Science", "Mechanical", "Electronics", "Civil", "Electrical" }; foreach(var item in listforeach) { Console.WriteLine($"{item}"); } listforeach.ForEach(item=>Console.WriteLine(item));
Computer Science
// ForEach Extension Method
Computer Science
The following example demonstrates the foreach loop on a dictionary collection.
var ListofDept = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"SC" ,"Computer Sceince" }, {"Mech" ,"Mechanical Engineering" }, {"ECE" ,"Electronics and Communication Engineering" }, {"CE" ,"Civil Engineering" }, }; foreach(var item in ListofDept) { Console.WriteLine($"Department {item.Key} , {item.Value}"); }
Department -- SC , Computer Sceince
Department -- Mech , Mechanical Engineering
Department -- ECE , Electronics and Communication Engineering
Department -- CE , Civil Engineering
When to Use ‘foreach’ Loop:
Following scenarios use the ‘foreach’ Loop.
- Iterating collection – like iterate through a collection such as an array, List, Dictionary, or any object that implements ‘IEnumerable’, ‘IEnumerable<T>’, or ‘IEnumerator’.
- Simplicity – using foreach loop to maintain cleaner and more concise code.
- Type Safety – it automatically determines the type of the loop variable based on the collection type.