In TypeScript, Convert the Set into an Array by using the “Array.from” function or by using the spread operator “(`...
`)”. In this article, we will learn How to convert “Set” into an Array in TypeScript.

Using Array.from Method
“Array.from” the method is used to create a new array from an iterable object.
Here is how you can use Array.from in TypeScript
const setArray = new Set([1001,1020,1400,2300,'Pointing','Stuart']); const arry = Array.from(setArray); console.log(arry);
[ 1001, 1020, 1400, 2300, ‘Pointing’, ‘Stuart’ ]
Using Spread Operator
const setArray = new Set([1001,1020,1400,2300,'Pointing','Stuart']); const arrspreading = [...setArray]; console.log(arrspreading);
Related article – How to Create a Set in TypeScript