In this tutorial, we will see how to find and remove special characters in a string in an SQL server.
Create a Table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employees](
[EmployeeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[LastName] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL,
[Title] [nvarchar](30) NULL
Insert Data in a Table
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Employees] ON
INSERT[dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeID],[LastName], [FirstName],[Title]) VALUES (1, N’Davolio’, N’N^an#cy’, N’Sales Representative’)
INSERT[dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeID],[LastName], [FirstName],[Title]) VALUES (2, N’Fuller’, N’&Andrew!’, N’Vice President, Sales’)
INSERT[dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeID],[LastName], [FirstName],[Title]) VALUES (3, N’Leverling’, N’Ja#n$et^’, N’Sales Representative’)
INSERT[dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeID],[LastName], [FirstName],[Title]) VALUES (4, N’Peacock’, N’Ma@rgaret’, N’Sales Representative’)
INSERT[dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeID],[LastName], [FirstName],[Title]) VALUES (5, N’Buchanan’, N’Steven’, N’Sales Manager’)
INSERT[dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeID],[LastName], [FirstName],[Title]) VALUES (6, N’Suyama’, N’Michael’, N’Sales Representative’)
INSERT[dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeID],[LastName], [FirstName],[Title]) VALUES (7, N’King’, N’Robert’, N’Sales Representative’)
INSERT[dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeID],[LastName], [FirstName],[Title]) VALUES (8, N’Callahan’, N’Laura’, N’Inside Sales Coordinator’)
INSERT[dbo].[Employees] ([EmployeeID],[LastName], [FirstName],[Title]) VALUES (9, N’Dodsworth’, N’Anne’, N’Sales Representative’)
Why it is needed
Suppose some time what append while entering data, some garbage data is entered into the database, at that time it should be cleaning the data is very painful if the data is huge in a table.
Now let’s see
Find a Special Character in a String
SELECT Employeeid,LastName FROM Employee WHERE LastName like '%[@,#,$,%,*]%'
Replace Special Character in SQL
Replace Function
Replace function – Using the Replace function you can remove a special character from a database field. This function only replaces a single special character.

UPDATE Employees set FirstName = REPLACE(FirstName,'^','') where EmployeeID=EmployeeID

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If it contains multiple special characters in a string. In this case, we will create a function.
CREATE function Removespecialcharatersinstring(@string varchar(250)) returns varchar(250) AS BEGIN DECLARE @strvalue varchar(250) = '%[^0-9A-Z]%' WHILE PATINDEX(@strvalue,@string)>0 SET @string = Stuff(@string,PATINDEX(@strvalue,@string),1,'') Return @string END